your guide to

Unimaginable Empowerment

Move from victimhood to powerhood

That’s right; the first one’s on me!

You are one of the most

Amazing Powerful Compassionate Interesting Courageous Abundant Creative Unique Beautiful

people you know, & you're sleeping on yourself.

Quote, "Focus not on who you have been. Focus on who you could become."

Welcome Friend!

I’m Liv, and I’m so excited you’re here!

I’m a Conscious Alignment Coach, Gene Keys Guide, Emotional Alchemist, and dance enthusiast. For 10 years, I’ve been guiding people to transmute their trauma, regulate their nervous systems and emotions, and give them the tools and resources they need to step fully into their power.

My experience in corporate coaching, training, and curriculum design, as well as my 1-on-1 client work combined with my spiritual practices and real-life experience, has provided me with a unique and transformative set of tools and life-changing perspectives. 

I’m here to help you remember your inner power by guiding you to transform difficult experiences into lasting peace, power, and prosperity.

In other words, you do not have to live with trauma, anxiety, or depression your entire life. School didn’t teach you how to understand and align your mind, body, and spirit, which creates intense inner conflict. This inner conflict can be extremely disempowering because it leaves you feeling confused, crazy, hopeless, incapable, and alone.

I can show you the skills to address all of that and empower yourself so nothing, and I mean nothing, will stop you from living the life you deserve and desire.

I know why you're here.

Something inside you is searching for something. Maybe you can put your finger on it, maybe you can’t, but either way, you’re beginning to recognize things in your life will only change if you do.

You know you're here for a reason.

You can feel it. You’re driven and always have been. You have a vision for your life and the mark you want to leave on the world. You’ve always felt you were born here, at this time, for a purpose.

Yet... You feel stuck.

You’re smart and talented, which has helped you achieve a lot. Yet, no matter how many successes you’ve had, there are recurring patterns in your life that leave you feeling stuck, powerless, confused, and insecure. No matter what you do, you can’t seem to break through.

So, here you are, seeking.

Seeking tools, resources, hints, tips, how-tos, anything that might resonate with the part of you pushing you to make a change. To level up. To finally break free from your self-imposed limitations. But, here’s the thing…

You're looking for answers everywhere except the one place they exist...

Inside you!

"But Liv, if the answers are inside me, why don't I know them?"

There is a very technical answer to this regarding brain development, the adaptations and functions of your nervous system, epigenetics (genetic expression), and limiting beliefs, but to keep it simple:

You can’t tell the difference between your authenticity and your mind/body’s conditioning.

This may even be the first time you’ve come across the term conditioning! We don’t teach children how to be self-aware or how to build emotional literacy, so most of us get stuck in old mental and emotional coping mechanisms we’re aren’t even aware exist.

It's time to wake up

to the truth of who you are and why you’re here so you can stop hiding from your innate power, deepest desires, and your birthright to a joyful life.

It’s only by uncovering your most authentic self you will find the answers you seek.

Work With Me

Begin the Most Important Adventure of Your Life — the Journey Back to You.

Coming Soon!

My new podcast, Think Wickedly, is launching March 2024.

Now Offering psychedelic Breathwork Sessions!

This powerful pranayama breathing technique is a similar experience to plant medicine, all with the use of your breath! Book a virtual or in-person session today to heal your body, liberate your mind, and expand your spirit.

You are a uniquely divine gift, just waiting to be unwrapped.